Ms.B. Styling

Fashion Stylist / Image Consultant

About Me

A little bit about me!

Pants and White Long Sleeves


List of services offered to help you reach your styling goals.

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About Me

Hello there, I'm Cindy Blakely, the founder of Ms.B. Styling, located in the vibrant Chicagoland area. From an early age, my passion for fashion and styling was ignited by the captivating Ebony Fashion Fair events sponsored by my church.

With a deep love for empowering women to embrace their beauty and individuality, I thrive on helping my clients discover their signature style, regardless of size or age. If you're tired of staring into your closet feeling lost or overwhelmed, let's connect!

Do you find yourself struggling to navigate through a closet full of clothes yet still feeling like you have nothing to wear? Are you guilty of overpacking for trips, only to wear a fraction of what you brought? Or perhaps you have a special occasion on the horizon and crave that perfect 'statement' outfit?

As your dedicated fashion stylist, I'm here to guide you on a transformative journey towards a wardrobe that truly reflects your personality and makes you feel unstoppable. Let's work together to curate a closet filled with pieces that not only fit you beautifully but also exude confidence and authenticity.

If you're ready to redefine your style and revitalize your wardrobe, I'm here to make it happen. Let's chat and turn your fashion dreams into reality!

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Styling Services

Not sure which service is right for you?


Wardrobe Full of Clothing




Feeling overwhelmed by what is or isn't in your closet? Do you often struggle to find something to wear? Do you have items in your closet that still have their tags because you never wore them?

A CLOSET REVIEW can do wonders for your wardrobe. By clearing out items that no longer fit your body or style, you'll be left with a closet full of clothing that fits and makes you feel great. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a refreshed wardrobe that will empower you to put your best foot forward every day.


  • We will work together to figure out your PERSONAL STYLE PROFILE.
  • We'll review the items in your closet to make sure what you have fits both your body type and style!
  • Anything that no longer meets your style goals, can be released for donations or consignments.
  • We will also identify missing items that can complete your look.
  • 5-7 Seasonal Looks will be created from your current clothing items.
  • CLOSET REVIEW can be done virtually or in person (locally)


Woman Holding Shopping Bags



Are the clothes in your closet dated and out of style? Do they no longer fit your body or your image? Are you ready to shop to update your wardrobe to match a new version of yourself? Looking to feel confident and powerful in your wardrobe? As a fashion stylist, I'm here to help you discover your personal style and find clothing that matches it. Together, we'll create a wardrobe that not only fits your body but also your lifestyle and personality. Let's make shopping a fun and fulfilling experience that helps you feel your best every day.


  • We will work together to figure out your PERSONAL STYLE PROFILE.
  • Then we will shop in person or virtually/online to find just the right pieces to get you to your fashion goals.
  • Once you've received your new items. 5-7 Looks will be created to match your style profile.


Cards with Fashion Illustrations on Table



You already know what's in your closet fits your body and you’ve moved on from the things that don't. You've shopped for the items you felt were missing. But when it comes to putting pieces together to create looks, you're at a loss.

A LOOK BOOK can be exactly what you need to put ouyfits together to maximize your wardrobe and get the most for your clothinhg dollars!

  • We will work together to figure out your PERSONAL STYLE PROFILE.
  • We will collaborate on key aspects of your style profile.
  • Using pictures of your clothes, 7-10 Looks will be created especially for you so you can get dressed with style and confidence.



Organizing her wardrobe
Clothes for Summer Fashion


Do you have closets overflowing but always feel as if you have nothing to wear?

Are you hanging on to that favorite outfit because you are remembering the fun times you had when it fit you perfectly?

Do you shop with a purpose for items you know will coordinate with what's already in your closet? Do you suffer from "buyer's remorse"?

Have a special occasion coming and you want to show up looking like your BEST self? Do you tend to OVERPACK when you travel?

If you answered yes to 3 or more of these questions then the 3 MONTH ALL-IN-ONE SERVICE may be just what you're looking for!

This combines all 3 SINGLE SERVICES and more into one.

  • We will work together to come up with your PERSONAL STYLE PROFILE.
  • Then we will REVIEW what's currently in your closet, keeping those items that are in alignment with your style and releasing those things that are not
  • We will identify key essentials to complete the looks you desire and set off to find those pieces.
  • We will SHOP with the intention for items to accentuate your body type and give you the looks you desire.
  • 12-15 PERSONALIZED LOOKS will be created based on your style; styling notes and photos will be included.
  • You will have ACCESS to me for one-on-one consultations.
  • You will get TRAVEL LOOKS or SPECIAL OCCASION LOOKS depending on your schedule.
  • RESOURCES will be provided for tailoring, hair styling, clothing donations, and consignment options.
  • You will have a closet full of clothes that you wear and LOVE!


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